01 - Board Work Session Agenda May 20, 2010.pdf
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02.01 Minutes of Special BOE Meeting April 28, 2010.pdf
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02.02 - Minutes of May 6, 2010, Public Hearing.pdf
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02.03 - Minutes of May 6, 2010 Reg BOE Mtg.pdf
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08.1 - District Initiatives.pdf
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11.1 Claims Auditor Reports.pdf
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11.2 Treasurers Reports.pdf
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11.3 Revenue-Expense Reports.pdf
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11.4 Athletic Accounts Reports.pdf
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11.5 Extra-Curricular Reports.pdf
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11.6 Bus Purchase Award.pdf
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11.7 - GST BOCES Food Service 10 11 Bid Approval.pdf
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17.1 - Proposed Changes to Athletic Code of Conduct.pdf
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23.1 - Proposed Changes to Board Policy 5210.pdf
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23.2 - Proposed Replacement for Board Policy 5252.pdf
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23.3 - Proposed Changes to Current Student Code of Conduct.pdf
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