01.00 -- Business Mtg Agenda 102413.pdf
9/18/2023 2:00 PMSystem Account
02.00 -- Minutes Sept 26 2013.pdf
9/18/2023 2:00 PMSystem Account
07.02 -- Section IV Merger  Girls Hockey.pdf
9/18/2023 2:00 PMSystem Account
08.01 -- Donation to Girls Modified Soccer Team.pdf
9/18/2023 2:00 PMSystem Account
08.02 -- Resolution accepting donation for Wrestling Team.pdf
9/18/2023 2:00 PMSystem Account
08.03 -- NYSSBA Amendments and Rebuttals 2013.pdf
9/18/2023 2:00 PMSystem Account
08.04 -- Community Focus Group Roster 2013.pdf
9/18/2023 2:00 PMSystem Account
08.05 -- Facility Capacity Utilization and Grade Conf Timeline 3.pdf
9/18/2023 2:00 PMSystem Account
9/18/2023 2:00 PMSystem Account
9/18/2023 2:00 PMSystem Account
11.01 -- Disposal of District Property.pdf
9/18/2023 2:00 PMSystem Account
11.02 - Increase in Appropriations - Donation from CS PTO.pdf
9/18/2023 2:00 PMSystem Account
11.03 - Increase in Appropriations - Donation from CS PTO.pdf
9/18/2023 2:00 PMSystem Account
11.04 - Increase in Appropriations - Donation from GR PTO.pdf
9/18/2023 2:00 PMSystem Account
11.05 - Day Automation Resolution.pdf
9/18/2023 2:00 PMSystem Account
11.06 - Persons 65 Years of Age or Over and with Limited Incomes Tax Exemption Update.pdf
9/18/2023 2:00 PMSystem Account
11.07 - Persons with Disabilities and Limited Incomes Tax Exemption Update.pdf
9/18/2023 2:00 PMSystem Account
11.08 - Resolution to Transfer Funds from the EBAL Reserve to General Fund.pdf
9/18/2023 2:00 PMSystem Account
11.09 - Elmira Heights Bus Run Agreement Update.pdf
9/18/2023 2:00 PMSystem Account
11.10 - Bus Lift Replacement Emergency Resolution.pdf
9/18/2023 2:00 PMSystem Account
11.11 - Budget Transfers Over Supt Approval Limit.pdf
9/18/2023 2:00 PMSystem Account
11.12 - Treasurers Report - August 2013.pdf
9/18/2023 2:00 PMSystem Account
11.13 - Claims Auditor Report - September 2013.pdf
9/18/2023 2:00 PMSystem Account
11.14 - High School Extraclassroom Treasurers Report - September 2013.pdf
9/18/2023 2:00 PMSystem Account
11.15 - Middle School Extraclassroom Treasurers Report - September 2013.pdf
9/18/2023 2:00 PMSystem Account
11.16 - Athletics Extraclassroom Treasurers Report - July 2013.pdf
9/18/2023 2:00 PMSystem Account
11.17 - Budget Tranfers Report - July-September 2013.pdf
9/18/2023 2:00 PMSystem Account
11.18 - Revenue and Expense Reports - July-September 2013.pdf
9/18/2023 2:00 PMSystem Account
11.19 - 2011-12 Tax Bill Adjustment.pdf
9/18/2023 2:00 PMSystem Account
11.20 - 2012-13 Tax Bill Adjustments.pdf
9/18/2023 2:00 PMSystem Account
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