01.00 -- Business Mtg Agenda 070115.pdf
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02.00 -- Special Mtg Mins with Elmira Heights June 22 2015.pdf
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08.01  -- Revised  DRAFT Timeline June 23, 2015.pdf
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08.03  -- 2015 16 BOE Comm Assignments.doc
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08.04  -- 2015 - 16 BOE mtg topics.pdf
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13.01 - 2015-16 Resolution and Contract for GST Boces Educational Services.pdf
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13.02 - 2015-16 Tax Collection Agreement.pdf
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13.03 - Budget Transfers Over Supt Approval Limit.pdf
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13.04 - Increase in Appropriations - Donation from Big Flats PTO.pdf
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13.05 - Increase in Appropriations - Donation from Big Flats PTO (2).pdf
9/18/2023 2:04 PMSystem Account
13.06 - Increase in Appropriations - Donation from CS PTO.pdf
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13.07 - American Tower Corporation Tex Certiorari Settlement.pdf
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13.08 - Erin Estates, Inc. Tax Certiorari Settlement.pdf
9/18/2023 2:04 PMSystem Account
13.09 - 2015-16 Universal Pre-k Program Agreement with Susan Ungvarsky.pdf
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13.10 - 2015-16 Braod Street Lease Agreement --Gingerbread Daycare.pdf
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13.11 - MOU with EOP-Headstart.pdf
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13.12 - 2015-16 Broad Street Lease Agreement -Higher Hope Church.pdf
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13.13 - Increase in Appropriations - Donation from GR PTO .pdf
9/18/2023 2:04 PMSystem Account
14.01  -- Proposed Changes to Policy 6800.pdf
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14.02  -- Propsoed Changes to Policy 6820.pdf
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14.03  -- Proposed Changes to Policy 6830.pdf
9/18/2023 2:04 PMSystem Account
14.04  --Proposed Change to Page 9 of the Code of Conduct.pdf
9/18/2023 2:04 PMSystem Account